Myrkl: new anti-hangover pill said to break down up to 70% of alcohol in an hour

Yeah, I've seen stuff like this before. It's not gonna do much but encourage a person to drink more than usual. People who want to get drunk tend to just drink until they reach that threshold.

I can see one benefit to this, and that's for liquor and wine industry professionals who have to drink regularly. We're all encouraged to spit and most of us do, but when you're sampling high proof spirits it's almost unavoidable. Your mouth and tongue are simply going to absorb a ton of alcohol even if you spit it out.

I've been to large events with notebook in hand, trying desperately to make it through as many sampling tables as possible for my own edification, only to become absolutely trashed within two hours. It didn't matter that I hadn't swallowed a single drop. Merely swishing a liter's worth of hard liquor is enough.

Unfortunately, this kind of pill isn't going to help with that either. It can only stop the absorption of alcohol after it's been drunk. But if it's alcohol absorbed from swishing in your mouth, that's going straight into the bloodstream. That's not gonna be useful at all. It's only going to benefit the people who actually drink the stuff they're sampling, which they really shouldn't be doing as a professional.

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