Nannies: Let's talk about parents who work from home!

My current and only family has a mom that works from her computer. She mostly takes her things to the library or Starbucks to work from there, but when she has calls (1-3 times a week) she'll be home for a few hours and it's more difficult. The girls want her attention so bad and she constantly comes down to say hi to them and kiss them then I have to tear them off of her so she can go back upstairs. That's the only bad part with her, she's not micromanaging at all and lets me do my own thing and will often compliment the way I do things. It's only more stressful with her because the kids are desperate for her attention.

In the summers her mother flys in from their home country and stays for 4-5 months. I have to distract the kids a lot to make sure she can eat in peace and stuff so that's kind of stressful. Way too often she tells me what I should do and it sucks. She goes so far as to tell me when to bathe them and what foods I need to give them when it's entirely up to me how I do those things. She also gets very upset any time the kids show any distress, from a cough to a cry she will be there to tell me what to do and give me unnecessary advice.

When the dad's parents are here for a couple months in the summer it's way worse. The grandpa is constantly in the room with me and the kids, he just watches us and sometimes interacts with them but I hate that I don't have any alone time with them if he's here. Grandma is the absolute worst to deal with. She tells me how to do everything and badmouths me to the parents if I take any time to read a book while the girls play or something.

I would say there is no benefit to having parents/grandparents home. They make it a lot more stressful on me and I've never had a situation where they helped me, if things are hectic they(usually grandparents) just stand back and tell me what to do which makes the situation 100x more stressful.

My only advice on how to make it work is communication. If you can compromise with your bosses on how to make the situation easier on everyone then that's the best way to go. In my case there's way too much to ask to change and the only solution is to leave.

/r/Nanny Thread