Do you believe in Hell?

I used to think there is just a Heaven in my younger days. After reading a lot on the subject over the years, and especially these last months since the pandemic has hit, now I am not too sure.

Could be just a ☯️ yinyang thing where this happens to have balance in the universe, "As above, so below", we have positive to balance the negative.

In Tibetan Buddhism, there are many types of Heavens, not just one. Same thing for Hell, but they are taught that these conditions or places too are not for eternity, but an extremely long time (think eons as in billions of years), and are ultimately 'temporary" and cyclic in nature.

Similar school of thought with Vedic religion as well, where they have a hierarchy of living planes, and the Earthly plane as being a lower level plane that supposedly resides with millions of other Earth like planes as well.

So in the end, who really knows? I know I don't.

/r/NDE Thread