Need serious help

Thanks a lot , i'm happy that you understood what i'm feeling. I know that this will be just a part if me for the rest of my life , I've already delt in my childhood with something related to that but I was never victimized this way . I feel completely dump and immature that I didn't stop him sooner. I will try to contact a a specialist and I just think I'll be taking this to my grave. It's been now a day and i'm starting to feel okay , but I just need to go back to work for now and once my exams are done , I'll be outing this into question and see can I do .

What's frightening me though is that he's teaching teenagers and has kids , I don't know if he's doing something wrong to others as well , but one thing is sure is that he is abusing his power over his students . And , I wish I could report him right now and end all of this. But, I choose to keep my distance and deal with my mental health first . Thank you again. If you have felt with such a thing how did you cope?

/r/Molested Thread Parent