For those of you in late stage recovery - has your physical health improved?


I’m so glad I went on my physical health journey in conjunction with healing from CPTSD. In the past year I’ve survived a brush with cervical cancer, Bell’s Palsy in remission, lost 65 pounds, no longer need a cane, chronic pain all but diminished. In fact, I’m running for the first time in my life, weight training, and working on the splits. I’m 9 months sober, kicked weed, use no pharmaceutical medications, and get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

For me, exercise is both medicine and reward. Taking care of my body prepares me to do the work of therapy and self reflection. My anxiety is minimal. When it spikes, I can stop, process, and recover through mediation and exercise. Last year, I was drunk, depressed, and my body was dying. My mind was a truly frightening place filled with trauma and despair. I had no idea how to tackle my demons. So I started on my behaviors and the impact they made on my nervous system.

My favorite mental health quote is “get out of your mind, get into your body. That’s where the fun is.” And as I saw my physical health change and grow and strengthen, it gave me the confidence to know that I could apply the same concepts of consistency, patience, and perseverance to my mental health. I had to prepare my body to do the work of receiving the flood of emotion that came with facing my past and my fears.

When I described my motto and journey to my new therapist, they said that it resembles the Polyvagal Theory. I downloaded audiobooks so I can learn more about it.

/r/CPTSDNextSteps Thread