Neighbours oppose Wellington Crescent mansion demolition for condos.

Here's a link to the house in question. Beautiful woodwork and detailing to be sure and on a huge lot. Though driving by I noticed the tile roof is clearly in need of replacement. It will be interesting to see what happens considering the big brick house next door, which is not quite as old or nice but is larger, was subdivided into apartments decades ago.

The neighbours seem to forget that the guy who bought this put up the only offer in nine months on the market paying far less than the rather optimistic initial listing price of $1.9M. The majority of people with that amount of money looking for a home in the 8000+ sq-ft range are going to buy a Wellington/Tuxedo tear-down and build their own creation full of the most modern and energy-efficient building techniques. Such as the guy who re-built on the site of 1021 Wellington putting up a modern house to replace it. (That was a very sad case considering how he restored the house in a modern manner inside but kept the intricate masonry façade) All the people who say "save the house" but nobody willing to put up the money...

Paywall link but could not get past to past the link, if someone else can.

/r/Winnipeg Thread Link -