Nerdy hobbies?

This might sound unreasonable to a lot of trp, but I'm also in a similar position and age. I graduated college last year and got a job but still enjoy "nerdy" hobbies like reading, learning, comics, D&D, and MtG. The way I made sure to feel good about my hobbies was to supplement some of the less intense/active games with more competitive ones. Funnily, none of the projected insecurities about my hobbies came from women, instead my insecurities came from the fact that when I was in a social setting with masculine, dominate, or "alpha" men I didn't have much to offer to the conversation. My schedule closed up and became very busy and that combined with prioritizing myself and having a more athletic build have done a lot to make me stand out among a group of people.

I took up sports and mixed them in with my schedule, and honestly I'm incredibly busy but also very happy; I have a tendency to overthink things and get too deep in my head so I'll actually propose that being more active in competitive sports has helped my development as a MtG player and poker player.

Here's the mentality that drives my weekly schedule. *Monday starts my work week so I allow that to stay open to keep some headspace for planning, preparing, and mentally guiding myself through my week. Just a basic gym day. I normally grocery shop and do my meal prep too. *Tuesday is bjj after work and generally some videogames or reading *Wednesday is new comic book day so I stop by there after work and generally play a game or two of MtG before my muay thai class. After that I usually pass right out.
*D&D is an exercise in creativity, so D&D night is Thursdays after gym league basketball. This is generally my favorite day of the week. *Friday is Friday Night Magic at the gameshop and that takes up most of my evening, afterwards my friends and I will generally allow ourselves to have a fun night and continue the games at one of our houses alongside some beers, smoking, chach, anime, whatever. *Saturday is gym and me day. Sometimes I'll skip the gym to get some shooting in or something different but for the most part I try to spend the day tidying my spaces and working on myself. In the evening I'll generally meet up with some friends. *Sunday evening is basketball practice, korean bbq, then Game of Thrones.

That's just the routine outside of random things like hikes and whatever else I decide to do. Funnily enough even though they're not very appealing to women, the simple fact that I have hobbies and am unwilling to sacrifice them draws women a bit. It puts me in a position to really filter out the girls that would normally just waste my time and make me pursue them.

/r/asktrp Thread