New high profile fraternity leader rape arrest, reader comments are amazingly Redpill

I hope this is a wake-up call for frat guys to start thinking about self protection.

Bill Frezza made this very same point in a Forbes article titled Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities

And for making that point, he got absolutely eviscerated in the media by feminists.

In fact, you can't even find the original Forbes article anymore because feminists made such a stink Forbes retracted the article and fired the author.

You can still find copies of the original article, parts of which I've quoted below:

In our age of sexual equality, why drunk female students are almost never characterized as irresponsible jerks is a question I leave to the feminists. But it is precisely those irresponsible women that the brothers must be trained to identify and protect against, because all it takes is one to bring an entire fraternity system down.

He goes on to recommend not even letting them in the front door:

Identify drunks at the door. I don’t care how pretty or flirtatious a young lady is; if she’s visibly intoxicated, don’t let her in. Although we were once reprimanded for turning away a drunk female student who ultimately required an ambulance when she passed out on our sidewalk, it would have gone a lot worse for us had she collapsed inside.

And especially don't ever take one up to your bedroom:

Never, ever take a drunk female guest to your bedroom – even if you have a signed contract indicating sexual consent. Based on new standards being promulgated on campus, all consent is null and void the minute a woman becomes intoxicated – even if she is your fiancée. And while a rape charge under these circumstances is unlikely to hold up in a court of law, it doesn’t take much for a campus kangaroo court to get you expelled, ruining your life while saddling your fraternity with a reputation for harboring rapists.

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