NEW poster for "The Wicker Man" sequel, "The Wrath of the Gods" + Plot synopsis and film site in comments.

In our new film, The Wrath of the Gods, we deal with the pagan Gods of our ancestors. They, too, were given to capricious moods, sometimes signalled to humans through the weather, sometimes in earthquakes or the activity of volcano’s. In this film we are constantly aware of the Gods' moods because our story is about a group of people who seem hell-bent on defying them. They are building a commercial theme park about the Gods based on their epic stories, The Norse Sagas, thus attracting their wrath.

On the face of it, the Norse Saga Theme Park was a very good idea for The Whimsey Company of Burbank, California. How did The Mouse House (Disney) miss out on this Pantheon of romantic Goddesses, awesome Gods, ruthless Giants, cunning Dwarfs and the constant mayhem between them?

Whimsey's CEO, the one-eyed HERB BODEN, is led into this venture by his lovely PR chief, the beautiful, Icelandic BRYN. Although aware of the fear her countrymen have of The Wrath of the Gods she forges ahead through the film's opening sequences with preparing for the opening of the Norse Saga theme park. The fact that two volcanoes are erupting, one emerging from the sea, the other thrusting through a glacier and causing floods far and wide is evidence of the risks the Whimsey Company are running and also inflicting on the local inhabitants. The Gods are getting very angry.

ZIGGY, Herb's son, and BRYN'S lover, is contemptuous of what he sees as the superstition of the local Scandinavians. She has a hard time protecting him from her angry Countrymen

Keeping the peace, is OSCAR, BRYN's father and the eccentric Chief of Police. He is unusual in that he has a passion for Steam Punk. We meet him, early in the film, greeting another enthusiast, CLARISSA, off her private plane. Although they have been due to meet because of their shared enthusiasm, we are soon aware that a romance between them is cooking. Unfortunately, OSCAR also becomes aware that she has been a suspect in a murder case and it will be his duty to arrest her if a high court appeal goes against her.

The Wrath of the Gods moves to an exciting climax as several dramas all peak at once. HERB BODEN is assaulted in the Norse Saga Theme Park and hospitalised. Sure that she is about to be arrested, CLARISSA flees on horseback for a rendezvous with her plane. ZIGGY tries BRYN's patience too far and pays for it. HERB BODEN, convinced that he is about to be mobbed by angry Vikings, hides on a ship that is about to be set on fire. For OSCAR and CLARISSA, at least, there is a happy ending. Otherwise we are left with a conclusion not unlike that in THE WICKER MAN.

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