[News] Sanctuary, an open world sandbox game created in the EverQuest engine, has launched version 2.0

This game is ok but has some problems.

The newbie experience sucks dick. You're stuck for 5 hours doing nothing but grinding mobs basically. For a game that aspires to invoke feelings of 'Myst,' you really see almost nothing related to that kind of puzzle solving for a very long time.

Also unlike Myst, which is very good at making you feel like you have all the tools you need to find a solution, you'll find yourself angry at the game (that retarded shit was the solution??) rather than yourself (why didn't I think of that before?!). I went in expecting Sirran the Lunatic types of stuff if nothing else and was very disappointed.

Zones are very sparse and underdeveloped. Exploration is poorly acknowledged. There are some interesting things to find but most dead ends (mechanical and otherwise) are simply dead ends. Finding interesting shit in this game is like finding a needle in a haystack.

The crafting system is what originally drew me to the game, but it really didn't live up to the hype. What I had hoped is that you'd be able to build on your knowledge of basic recipes and combine things in clever ways related to the basic recipes to end up with new items, providing some sense of increasing mastery over the system. This exists in a very basic way, but really, recipe discoveries are based on trial and error more than anything else.

The devs and players have a very hard time handling feedback. The owner will sometimes throw a temper tantrum when he hears things he doesn't like and rant about how he's a strong independent dev and don't need to pander to no playerbase. I've seen it happen like 4 or 5 times personally, and iirc there's a disclaimer on the old wiki about how they don't like ideas. I like the vision for this game but these guys are novices with egos that bruise very easily and who don't really understand how to process feedback.

That said, the classes are pretty cool, and the progression can be difficult and takes a lot of time, which I like. Right now is a good time to play because there was a wipe and boxing is no longer allowed.

/r/MMORPG Thread