Nintendo Answers (And Avoids) Our Switch Questions

Usually when they can't answer something it means it's true.

It depends how it's answered. In this case, I genuinely don't think Nintendo knows and that is somewhat worrying. I keep saying the console is being rushed out and it's small things like this that suggest that.

Remember, just because the console releases, a lot of the things like online play, free VC and online play on VC games are set to release in the Fall, giving them plenty of time to figure out just how they want to approach it.

Also, you can tell by the things they're avoiding that they don't want to kill hype.

Is there a trophy or achievements system?

We have nothing to announce at this time.

I mean, this is a very basic question and something people are interested in. Especially since you don't need to get developers to support it, pretty much all non-Nintendo exclusive developers already do, so that isn't a problem. If they were planning on adding it, it likely would've been in the OS from the start, so it likely isn't a coding issue. And regardless of what they have for the future, unless it is there or announced in the next couple of weeks, it will be a confirmed no.

Very likely they'll have some kind of transfer system but you'll probably have to pay a little to upgrade

If you want my honest opinion, I would totally believe there is no transfer system. This is another really simple question and one that would get people to jump ship pretty fast. I get that they might have technical or what have you, but a simple "we're working on something fans will enjoy" would go a lot further than "no comment."

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