Is Nintendo the most ADD company in gaming?

Sony and Microsoft, while they sometimes drop features, mostly build and refine a solid foundation, and just keep running with these ideas forever.

To be fair, Microsoft doesn't try a lot. They had Kinect and that's about it. However, if you look at Windows, you would see they're all over the place.

For Sony, they actually add/remove/try things all the time. The PlayStation TV, UMD (I count this format since it's widely believed to be poorly thought of and just overall bad), Eye Toy, Move, Eye of Judgement, Vita TV, paid online (since you count it against Nintendo), etc.

In terms of Nintendo, they have more, but they've also been in the game longer. They also do things that make sense to them, try them out and drop the feature. For instance, people seem to generally love the Switch's mobile aspect, which is really what Nintendo was going for with the gamepad, it just never had the range. The Wiimote was also somewhat disliked and criticized for a lack of buttons (something like Zelda would be nearly if not completely unplayable) and they moved to a more conventional controller. When that didn't work, they kind of split the difference with the Joy-Cons. A lot of the other things follow similar logic.

/r/nintendo Thread