I have no clue what the procedure is for situations like this, so I wanted to ask actual cops their opinions and what could have been done differently. (this is not to hate on you guys I love the police, planning on becoming one).

I’m ngl, probably gonna get downvoted but your rhetoric is why people have problems with cops.

Because you don't think police officers are people who have different opinions and experiences?

“Backing away and letting the police do their thing”

Dude probably was frozen in panic or didn’t know what to do. Police never told him to back away.

He stood next to the crazy guy with a knife. Family members always do this shit.

I agree it’s unfortunate that he got killed, but that’s wild that you’re essentially blaming the victim.

There's a lot more going on here than this one incident. It's crazy guys fault grandpa got stabbed in the neck, but he didn't do much to help himself. That's not Victim blaming, it's just what happened.

You’re making so many callous assumptions, do we know he was a meth head?

Edit: Dude wasn’t even a meth head. He had mental issues.

This looks like meth psychosis. Crazy looks like a meth user. This is a situation similar to what I've walked into before. Drug users are commonly mentally ill, and some are that way because of what they used (especially meth.)

/r/police Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it