No dad I don’t want to wear a helmet, because I’d rather just die than listening to you talking about how skateboarding is dangerous

Listen, I skated for the better part of a decade, as well as some power sports where I definitely should’ve been wearing a helmet but never did. I almost killed myself on an ATV with a head hit not wearing one. Never hurt my head skating though. The only advice I can offer you is- PROTECT YOUR JOINTS!!!! My whole lower body is injured/compressed/doesn’t move right, and I’m only in my mid 30s. I haven’t been on a skateboard since I was probably 20. Long ramble to say- your dads just looking out for you, but more to the point, there’s concerns he hasn’t even gotten into yet. Don’t live the rest of your life vaguely in pain for a little swag now.

/r/Vent Thread