No shade, but thinking about Pearl and Violet.

Hmmm... I have many a thoughts but I'm finding it a tad hard to articulate...

I guess the 'future of drag' thing can be interpreted in a number of ways.

I personally think it's super cool that these stunning drag queens are blowing up on tumblr/instagram. It... excites me and idk makes me so proud of them.

Violet is highly aesthetically oriented but, I mean, it's not as if she's purely trying to look 'fishy'... you know? She changes up her hair all the time with blunt, edgy styles and makes herself more of a piece of walking art rather than just a convincing female impersonator.

Violet also (obv I'm focusing on Violet lel soz pearl) uses social media as a platform to send important messages to youths, a majority of whom identify as LGBTQ+. I think this is a highly important part of the future of drag. Now more than ever, public figures have the ability to help their 'fans', and to share words of wisdom and reassurance.

I know that Violet isn't a stand-up comedian, but she is a funny, engaging performer. Her dancing is great, her songs are fun and she seemingly loves interacting with her fans.

All in all, I think that the whole 'future of drag' thing may also stem from the time in which we live in. Our social and political climate with regards to drag has come a long way, and drag queens are becoming increasingly accepted in the mainstream. This is NEW, and, I think that perhaps Violet and Pearl are some of the first young queens to come along and truly become successful in the 'new wave' of queens. It isn't so much that they are doing something crazy, new and groundbreaking, but that the world is changing and their success is a product of that.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread