I certainly don't miss slow computers


It peeved me off to no end. It would crash and reboot several times a night while I slept (not ok as I run stuff at night) and it would break midday by no longer showing my cursor, showing a black screen on login or just freezing up, even when doing nothing.

And yes there is problems with choosing the hardware to use for OS X but I have hardware that works with only a kernel patch and an audio kext needed, which are applied by my bootloader. I can update OS X as I choose same day as release and have no hiccups moving to the next update. I may have problems with major updates but those are yearly and it's expected a major version would have bugs anyway. So for me at least, software updates are not an issue.

As for hardware I can pretty much choose something Apple uses or something really close. I have an AMD R9 270X which it detected as an HD 7XXX series out of the box and works perfectly with. It also works with my Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 with only one patch needed per OS update (which is auto applied on bootup). It works with my motherboard fully too (MSI B85M-P33) with only an audio kext (driver) needed which is also auto applied on boot. I get TRIM support on my Kingston 120GB SSD and I get <10 seconds of boot time after BIOS is done. With BIOS time included it's about ~12 seconds of boot time. I have 8GB of ram with a twice as demanding workload as I did with Windows and 16GB of ram and it handles it far far better than Windows. On Windows it seems to hate me and would just crap out and crash everything/freeze.

However setting up a Hackintosh is not easy on all platforms I will give you that. My laptop would need it's wifi card replaced and it would need a proprietary kext (driver) written specially for Mac OS.

Overall on my desktop I get excellent performance but on my laptop it would run like garbage for my needs. I would need wifi and audio to work. It depends on your situation and your needs.

Also, if you have read this far I want you to say potatoes in your reply.

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