No Tolerance For Accounting Sloppiness - If you have to add that to your job post, that's a hard no from me. Especially not after reading the 25 bullet points of job duties. And seeing you only pay 24-30/hr. No thanks.

I was talking to my girlfriend about the audacity of some job advertisements, there's currently plenty of acc jobs in my area. I showed one to her that was a clandestine af about the company and contact info. Like literally didn't tell you anything and you could only apply through job webpage and they would send it on, so you'd only find out about the job through a call back if you got one. The job ad itself listed a whole bunch of shit they expect and nothing about what they're selling (office location, friendly team, competitive middle tied firm, etc) and especially no salary indication. And I don't even live in the US where this seems to be the norm in a lot of Us cities. Hard pass.

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