Non-Americans of reddit, what is your genuine reaction to what’s going on in America right now?

I'm worried it's a sign of what's to come here in Canada. For decades companies have steered their political decision making with lobbying, defunding essential services. The thought of shared services supported by government is "communism" and their is no room for discussion because the education system has failed most Americans. Those who had a great education seem to be indifferent in this discussion as they're usually not affected by the short comings of the system because of their job/family money.

We recently made a decision up here to allow our internet providers to raise the rate they can charge third party suppliers which is going to result in my bill going up. The minister who made this decision claimed it was made out of fear that keeping these third party rates low would stifle innovation and investment in our internet infrastructure which is a load of crap. We already have some of the highest mobile rates in the developed world and our landline prices/speeds aren't too far behind. It's so some execs can get a higher fucking bonus while the cost of living for the rest of Canadians yet again goes up.

I see decisions like this stepping stones to having public who sides with the party in power because "well I like Netflix. Don't you want better Netflix?" Those are the same people who I see wanting to hang out with their friends and go to a club during a pandemic. Who have more interest in doing what they want for a cool social media post above the well being and safety of others.

/r/AskReddit Thread