Noob question

A pip is how you rank up. Those little things you see plus one on. You can lose pips, gain pips or get a safety pip which means you don’t gain any pips.

Devour Hope and some other perks gain tokens when you or the other side does an action. To stack Devour Hope you need to hook someone and be a certain distance away from the hook (not sure exactly how much). Depending on the level of the perk will depend on what happens when you get these tokens with Devour Hope. With a level 3 Devour 2 tokens give you movement speed after hooking a survivor, 3 makes them go down in one hit and 5 allow you to kill them.

The whole obsession mechanic is that the survivor gets a powerful reward but it leaves them vulnerable. For example Rancor means at the end of the game the obsession goes down in one hit and can be insta-killed but after every generator is completed the obsession can see the killers aura. There are also survivor obsession perks that give you an big advantage but increase your chance of being the obsession. If you are the obsession and don’t have any obsession perks than the killer has one and you were selected to be the obsession.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread