Is it normal to watch BDSM porn ? I watch it often and feels more addicted to it, what are your views on BDSM?

Maybe the biggest part of it is slight irritation because since BDSM is so popular now, I keep hearing how it says absolutely nothing about people who participate in it. Well my unpopular opinion is that I just don't buy that you have strong desire to slap or humiliate your partner but it's ok because they agree to it and it's "only" sexual. I can't just remove sexuality and pretend it exists entirely separated from everything else about a person.

I also have a hard time understanding why someone would allow themselves to be dominated by their partner. Perhaps my own ego gets in the way of relating, explanations about giving away the control always felt a little fake. I would have an issue thinking that someone I respect allows their partner to degrade them.

However having said all this, I keep my biases to myself unless I think a discussion is welcome. I wouldn't date anyone who is into BDSM (especially on the sadism end of it), but really whatever works.

I am a little bit weirded out that so many women seem to call themselves submissive, maybe that's just too much internet and popularity of stupid literature. Perhaps I just don't want to be associated with that.

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