Not doing well

Hey thanks, I can just post here. I've just really screwed up, I lost faith in myself and in love a long time ago. I've driven myself insane, it's kinda funny now that I think of it, now I see why no one really cared and laughed at me. All I had to do was accept myself and I would have been ok. But I had to continue to do guy things when all I really wanted to do was hang out with some of the girls. I really liked a few girls who were nice to me growing up but I wouldn't hang out with them because I thought it would be a big flag that I was gay, and I didn't want to deal with the backlash. Now that I write this, I'm confused again. Why did I like these girls so much. It felt like love, but why didn't I ask them out? Why do I have so few sexual experiences with girls growing up? I was a good looking guy, with quite a bit going for me, and the girls liked me...but I never liked myself. I've just missed out on so much loving by trying to be someone I'm not. So I never got to experience love for myself, I never got to solidify an identity that I was happy with. Well writing this out helped me remember some times when there was love in my life, and kind of helped me figure some things out. Sorry about rambling

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