23M: The reason I smoke is because I can't imagine living until I'm old

i feel you. i picked up vaping thinking that was the way i'd be able to socialise more and finally relate to others as its a common interest. it's become so normal too, to do the bad things (smoke, vape, drink all the time). i'm a non smoker and have bad asthma, took a lot of "courage" and back and forth to the shop to actually buy one. i knew in my heart it was the wrong thing to do, god kept pulling me back. i went from being asked for id each time to them no longer needing to ask, even if it was a new person serving me. i saw that as being "cool" and felt like one of the popular kids. the vapes made me look way older thats why. it's nasty what it does to you

the vaping phase didnt last long only like 6 months and it's been 6 months without it so it's as if ive never touched it. i quit that shit as soon as i got the most awful chesty cough ever, waking up coughing, it was so painful. i knew it was going to turn into a chest infection. i put the vape down, never looked back. all that just to fit in. yeah i mean i got a few compliments on my vape tricks and ppl asking me what flavour it is and if ive tried the latest vape pen but i didnt gain any life long friends.

biggest regret ever man i wish i never touched it. i've defo fucked my lungs up for life. i would be carrying my vape and my inhaler around with me... so stupid. all that just to fit in and it didnt even work.

/r/depression Thread