Not Mind Passification

Our chatter can convey such a message? How to trust such a statement other than to take it to heart? And once you're there, wrapped in it like cashmere shawl. Like an octopus on a clam, but you always remind yourself the metaphor isn't the reality! Oh no, it's No concepts. Abiding mind? No words can convey. But those are words! We're just chimps oofing at each other? Wtf? To wake up to that is to be watching a tragicomedy you vaguely understand the language to express your relation to. What mastery is that knowledge going to provide? I already admit reality confronts me, confounds me. At least I have no sensation of true omniscience although I entertain fantasy of such. What child didn't wish to be superman? A messiah feydekin? A vampire eternal? A god? Am ordinary man with the gift of eternity tucked into his pocket with the wash quarters? A hacker mode Neo level unlocked? But what do we get? Yer just a fabrication. Quit yer Bitchin' and dig in. I can dig Carpe Diem, but where's the distinction of Zen? Full stop rejection meditation sounds like catholic penance. How did these old farts see into fundamental reality? The asking itself becomes tedious. I see what's in front of me! How it all exists is not apparent. In what sense does knowing that it is nameless. . .how is that Zen inducing? Because I don't feel any Zen stirring. My Zen stirring is stirless. Nameless too, sure whatever, I hate languages too, but stirless. Tepid. Not revolving. No revolution. Aren't we supposed to be hairy eyed revolutionaries? Zen bows to know doctrines, yes? Sounds very against the grain. Rabble-rouser talk. Much business id rather avoid. I do not need to proselytize, but how to not accept any language as anything more than a game AND pretend that taxes and social mores and cultural dignities are all farces. Sounds messy. Is Zen messy? Halp ploz.

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