It's not okay to hit someone back if they hit you first.

If a 5'2" 90 lb man walks up to a 6'4" 300 lb man and starts swinging, that 300 lb guy is going to beat the ever living shit out of him.

Good job. You correctly gave an example of self defense as opposed to "I hit them because they hit me."

The 300 lb man isn't immune to the possibility of eggshell skull. If the other guy starts swinging, that's a bit of a difference from a single slap. Isn't it?

Because they have a healthy respect

You somehow fucked up and confused "fear" as being synonymous with "respect". Being afraid of someone is in no way showing "respect" towards them. So I'm still going to need to know what "healthy" fear is supposed to be.

Women should have this same respect.

Again. Fear is not respect.

They should have the same fear of getting knocked out that the 90 lb guy has.

Again, where are you getting this idea that every woman on the planet has stopped fearing men at all? They are still legally forbidden from assaulting men. They can still be charged with a crime. Are you saying the ONLY thing that would stop you from beating a stranger is how big they are? Because big gets more "respect"?

Come the fuck on.

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