Now that cellphones are becoming more and more waterproof, pretty soon it will be okay to push people into pools again.

Story tiiiiime:

I was once at a party, gettin' "lou" as the kids said at the time in my particular neck of the woods. Drunk as shit, didn't have a swimsuit, wasn't going swimming. Had my super cool new Motorola RAZR in my pocket and the cheapest available NIXON watch on my wrist, totally basic WALLET in my pants. Walk past a guy who decided to push me into the pool because that is apparently funny. Everyone laughs, HO HO that guys misfortune is hilarious. I get out of the pool, full of 17 year old rage, ready to do some damage. Let me clarify that at this time I was a fat, unathletic pussy. But, I was tall and broad, so I guess I had that going for me. I start screaming at this dude, he seems genuinely surprised, as does everyone else. It turns out everyone was surprised because thus dude was somewhat known for being a hard core Mexican gang banger. I did not know this at the time. Apparently my rage was so apparent that his friend, also a very large gangster came over to stop my immenent demise. He said to me "listen, let's just move past this, you wanna push him in?" I did. So we both pushed OG into the pool. Laughs were had, the music started back up. A very large hand reached up from the depths and wrenched me into the pool. I smacked my head on the bricks on the way down. I suddenly became aware that I was in a life or death situation. It's odd, you hear people talk about adrenaline, but when that shit floods into your blood it is much more than you can explain or understand. This dude was stronger than me and in an advantageous position. I had two things working for me, I was a very strong swimmer and he was very poor, and I had the power of a thousand suns coursing through my veins and he was just drunk. He was trying to push me down with his legs but I ended up grabbing his feet and pulling him down, swimming towards the bottom. Once he panicked I had the upper hand. He flailed, I tangled his face and arms in his own shirt. We both got to the surface at the same time but he was flustered, I caught my breath faster. I had his back and he was not at home in the water. At this point people had noticed that this was not just a harmless tussle. His (gigantic) homie grabbed us both and pulled us out. OG was coughing up water and I was bleeding from the head, dry homie told me to calm down and he would take care of OG. I foolishly ignored him and pushed OG back in. I wouldn't let him out of the pool, the highlight was OG saying "Fuck you, you wanna do this on land?!" I was informed at this point that there was no way in hell this was gonna work out for me and I should escape now. The several knives produced convinced me to run, wet and wild, shrieking down the street.

I gained a ton of street cred from this, I deserved none of it, I was just lucky.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread