It's Now Clear None of the Supposed Benefits of Killing Net Neutrality Are Real

That's because "rich" is not a fixed number. You 're only rich based on how much you have compared to the people around you; the poorer the people around you are, the richer and more powerful you are. So it's in their vested interest of those with wealth and power to keep the wealth (and societal rules) as unequal as possible by creating a system of positive feedback loops for those with money (the more money you have, the more money you make, and you get the make all the rules) while screwing the poor (the less you have, the less you make, the more expensive everything is, and you have to play within rules created by and for rich people).

For people to think that the ruling class are going to voluntarily do things to strengthen and enrich people with less is crazy. Equality is a literal existential threat to those with wealth and power. And they have no intention of giving that up.

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