Is it Now or Never for Solo Players?

I've had pacifist mode on almost the whole time, and I can say with certainty that those who claim that you will not take damage unless you fight back are absolutely wrong. The devs have said that you take damage, but it is just like a slap, so I ignored a couple low level griefers until yesterday when a higher level guy took half my health down pretty quickly.

I realize that 76 is intended to not be about PVP, but what are people going to do in a few months after they have been everywhere and killed all the bosses mutiple times? Most will probably move on to another game, but what's left for the ones that stick around? Maybe this "community" is different and everybody will sit around the C.A.M.P. and sing Kumbaya, or maybe they'll get on Discord with their friends, find some players on the map, fast travel and initiate PVP. I guess we'll see in a few months.

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