NS destroys ambition and motivation

The goal for NS is to defend the country and to make sure you understand the price to pay for it and sometimes the seriousness of it all. At times it can be pleasant, but its generally unpleasant, its not a holiday camp after all.

Also congrats, what you're experiencing a taste of adult life. After you leave NS, your job might suck equally. Your military superiors are somewhat obligated to look after you and your welfare.

Your boss at work doesn't need to give a shit about you. If you die the next day, maybe some inconvenience but you can be replaced. At least the SAF might do something for you at your funeral, but out in the working world, you die its your own pasar.

You have to do daily repetition of things you don't like at the workplace. Doing tons of overtime which leaves you no time to socialize and meeting new friends etc. You will return to your home from work, and do this over and over again.

My NS experience still is much better than some work experiences where I literally dread going into work everyday. I'll rather face bullets than some of the workplaces I used to work on.

/r/singapore Thread