[NSFW] Man Interviews Lady Working Streets For Drug Money.

Not necessarily, this sort of video needs to be presented correctly, because a lot of what she says needs to be understood in relation to the environment she's in (political, cultural/social). If you just watch this without knowing how intensely certain variables beyond an individuals control (think healthcare policy, quality of education, available parental support), then it makes ending up in her situation a matter of just doing or not doing drugs. Yeah she mentions her upbringing, and I'm sure a lot of people recognize that influenced why she ended up in her position, but we don't know what her socioeconomic status was growing up, we don't know what other resources she had available to her after her mother left her, and overall it's just hard to relate to her given the lack of understanding of her background.

If a kid watches this in school, the takeaway is either that she is too distant of an outcome so it's not worth worrying about (and for highly privileged people, that is fairly true), or it is just "don't do heroin and I won't end up like her." Instead kids need to realize the steps that lead up to this, and the situations that kids may (unfortunately) find themselves in that streamline them into habitual using. Everybody knows that cigarettes cause cancer, that they are extremely addictive, and that they are all around a bad thing to get hooked on, and yet people still do them. Heroin certainly has a worse social stigma and is less accessible, but just because people know something is bad, doesn't mean they are certainly not going to do it.

Lulling people into the mentality that knowing right and wrong will prevent someone from making a bad and severely costly decision(s) can be pretty detrimental, beyond being simply ineffective. So, instead of just following the trend of fear based drug education, schools need to be more strategic in helping kids to avoid hard drug use.

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