[NSFW] Propaganda "surrender" leaflets dropped by the Japanese to the Allies during WWII- 1942 [1200x794]

Condemning both, does not mean equating them. Anyone who justifies the allied fire bombings, the systemic bombing of supply lines to internment camps, or the millions of innocent civillians killed in the name of saving "da joos" is either being intentionally dishonest, or has a high school understanding of history and propaganda. Look up C.D. Jackson to see where your understanding of this particular part of history comes from.

If Germany had won, you'd be telling me in German how equating German war crimes with that of the evil american-zionist empire is absurd and that the holocaust never happened.

The only reason your defending the absolute human atrocities of of war is because the side that won told you they weren't as bad. We've had our holocausts, we just got away with them before the world felt indignant and ballsy enough to respond. We've had our imperialism, but it's okay when we do it. Concentration camps based on race? Well that's fine, it was just evil japs, we weren't trying to "remove them from our society". Oh wait. We might not have gassed them but we sure as hell treated them like it.

Not to mention the holocaust industry where thousands of "witnesses" have embellished or outright lied for a book deal, and have ruined our understanding of the holocaust because people are to morally indignant to call out a "surivivor" when they're fucking luring.

The portrayal of German evil has gotten so out of hand that it's actually become absurdly comedic. Yes they committed war-crimes, yes they committed The Holocaust™ but it has gotten so ridiculously out of hand that even to this day invoking The Holocaust™ is enough to justify war or violence.

Yes the Japanese war crimes and German war crimes were fucking atrocious, but so were the American and Russian ones. I'm sorry but, The Holocaust™ does not justify fire-bombing non combatant cities and dropping two nukes, for the first time in humanity, on civilians (the same civilians you have been imprisoning at home) is not justified. We turned down multiple offers of Japan's surrender before that. We just wanted to establish ourselves as a world power, intimidate the others, and see the effects on a human population before the war was over and we'd lose our chance to do so.

So yes, sit there and feel proudly smug for telling someone off who had the audacity or maybe even stupidity to condemn the American war crimes WWII. He must be a crazy loony, or an uneducated ungrateful fuck. Or maybe he does have a little perspective, and doesn't see the world through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgic propaganda. Either way, I hope that you at least consider that the world could be different. Condemning both sides, does not mean equating them. Lesser evils, are still evil and evils tend to grow unchecked until they are unavoidable.

ISIS are the new Nazis (deservedly so). But watch how we will use ISIS to justify our own agendas in the coming years. Deposition of Assad will probably be the first, because our propaganda has convinced you that he is evil and kills civillians (I'll give you a hint: we armed those "civilians"). He's Russia's Saddam, and we want our own Saddam there because we don't like the idea of Russian naval forces having access to Tartous' port.

But the only reason we give a shit about any of that is Israel, the finest product of The Holocaust™. Who remind us everyday of The Holocaust™, never mind the two million dead Iraqis, or our own troops. The tens of thousands dead in Afghanistan, the countless collateral spread all throughout the middle east. We are still paying in blood for Nazi war-crimes, committing our own because of it, using it as justification to commit more (Palestine, anyone?)

I'm done rambling, hope that all came out right, I'm on mobile..

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