[NXT Spoilers] Eva Marie, #GiveDivasAChance, models and women hired as wrestlers for their looks, NXT and women's wrestling around the world.

I'll keep it simple - this is why we boo Eva Marie.
She bumps like she's never 12 years old. She SUCKS AT WRESTLING. Get it? Like - sucks. . . at wrestling. By the way, NXT prides itself on GOOD WRESTLING. And wrestling is something Eva Marie isn't good at. Am I getting through to you? Do you understand?
No, I don't hate her because she's a bombshell. I don't care if she has fake tits, hair or anything. I'm not a fat virgin, most wrestling fans aren't, fucking stop insulting the fans because they boo something they dislike. Nobody hates her for her looks, nobody hates her because we'll never have the chance to bang her, then we'd hate all women wrestlers. Nobody hates HER for being HER. We've watched good looking model like women all our lives, it's never been like you say it is.
By the way, if I'm still not crystal clear - WE BOO EVA MARIE BECAUSE SHE SUCKS AT WRESTLING. Really bad. Did you see the gif? This bad. Literally at that time I'd go out on a limb and claim she was even a worse wrestler than I am. And she is on TV. It ticks a lot of fans when a person who is this bad is on TV instead of people who don't look like her, but can wrestle circles around her.
And yeah, I know NXT is developmental territory - WE GET IT. It's developmental, rookies go to train there. Great! EXCELLENT! If Eva Marie actually LEARNED to WRESTLE - then I'd love Eva Marie. Like I'd mark out like I marked out at Becky Lynch last time. Like I marked out at Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Really actually mark the fuck out like fuck breaking chairs and tables left and right. I'd crush the fucking window with my bare fists, literally blood, sweat, and tears, and scream with all of my strenght through a megaphone - EVA MARIE clap clap clapclapclap.
Also - one last thing - /r/SquaredCircle - absolutely nobody ever is supposed to love the things you love. This isn't supposed to be a circlejirk (but it is), but you are trying too hard to turn it into one. If you hate Eva Marie for valid reasons, you are a fat nerd who needs to get laid and stop judging other wrestlers, because we can't do a tornado DDT. Yes, we can, and we will. You won't insult us into thinking otherwise. I'm not obliged to like every FOTM. I don't care what's the norm. I dislike Eva Marie and I'd boo her. Yes, if she doesn't change the wrestling fan's mind, she will keep being booed. It's that simple.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread