Obesity in Canadian adults: it’s about more than just weight

I'm so lucky because I really enjoy "healthy" food, I just really like the taste of all that good stuff. My basic meal consists of two baked potatoes, each with 1tbsp sour cream, a dash of salt, and about 1tsp ground black pepper. Along with that I eat half a bundle (or more) of asparagus (I'm not sure what it weighs). I boil the asparagus, then drizzle lemon juice on it, and that's all.

I have the same thing for lunch and dinner each day. I don't have breakfast (no time, and eating first thing in the morning makes me feel like throwing up).

Throughout the day, I'll drink between 3-5 large coffee cups of green tea and the rest is water. On days I go to the gym, I'll have 2 cups of milk afterward. Sometimes I'll have a bit more, though, because I like the way it tastes.

My parents recently sent me home with a bunch of ground beef and a frozen chicken, so I'm going to see what I can do with those.

Once a week, we have meetings at work and co-workers bring snacks. I always go for the fruit because I really like melon, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, et cetera. I just eat them as they are, no dip or anything. I really like the fruit as-is.

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