Observed Types II

I'd like to give this a try...

Full disclosure, I've been on this sub for over a year under different user names. I have an issue with getting addicted to reddit, so I need to delete my account when I find myself getting to obsessed. My main accounts that some of you may remember (but probably not) are:

and my first account, u/wontmurderyou.

Now, with that out of the way, I'm still not sure of my type. I've been typed by a couple people who I consider to be very knowledgeable in both mbti and socionics. I've been typed ENTP, ENFP, ESTJ, and ISTJ. Which makes my perceiving axis pretty clear, but the rest is still a little unclear.

I'll start with why I'm 95% certain I'm not an STJ. I lack key components of these types. My attention to detail, both in the outside world and in my own mind and body is abysmal. I (shamefully) have to rely on others so I don't forget to eat and where I put my keys (just examples, there's obvs more to it than that). I also do not measure success by external standards, which could be attributed to lower Te, but I'm not totally sure on that. I'm pretty sure I get typed as STJ online because my writing style is very straight forward, that is a learned behavior, though. If I write stream of consciousness no one will understand what I'm trying to say so I have to (force myself to) be blunt and direct.

Now I want help deciding between ENFP and ENTP. I'm pretty certain I'm an Ne-dom. I'm not a lolz-random-idea machine, but I am fueled by all the possibilities in the world. I love looking at things from all angles and coming up with different scenarios for situations and discussing all the possibilities that could come from even the simplest question. This is how I operate, it's how I feel energized and complete.

As for NeFi, I relate to this type a lot, but not completely. I love people, and I love helping them (to a point). I like to observe and see what makes people tick. I can read people's moods pretty well and I'm able to steer them in the direction of distraction from the negative and focus on the positive. I love doing this, mostly because I always want to be in a positive frame of mind and others' moods affect me greatly.

NeTi seems closer to the "real me," tho. I want to know everything. I want to learn about everything I possibly can. I surround myself with interesting people with interesting careers who can tell me all about what they do. I'm friends with a spine surgeon, a software developer, a lawyer, a filmmaker, an architect, a special ed teacher, and many more who I keep in contact with so I can learn as much as I can from them. I also read a lot, online articles, the infamous Wikipedia hole, reddit, all sources of information and people talking about this information. My passions are learning the underlying structure of things. Languages and music are my best examples. I love learning languages, but I get bored after I understand the grammatical structure. Where every word goes and why and what form they take is fascinating. And music, I love music theory, I've been studying it for years. And instruments, I've never met an instrument that I haven't immediately tried to learn how to play. Once I learn the basics of how it works, tho, I get bored, so I'm not actually very good at playing any one instrument, I just know how to play a lot of them.

This is getting long and probably pretty boring, but thanks for reading and I appreciate any input anyone has!!

/r/mbti Thread