Okay Reddit, what do you want to get off your chest?

You know what? I'm sorry. I honestly am. I'm sorry I let myself get so attached, and that now it's affecting your life. It's making it hard for you to hold me at bay, because you don't want me to hurt. But honestly, it's too late for that. I'm already hurt. I don't feel the same way anymore.

I don't see you the same anymore. I don't see a friend, a best friend. I don't see a co-worker. I see a girl -- no, a woman -- that I spent nine months getting to know, and gradually fell for. I see the woman with whom I spent an absolutely wonderful night that ended in what you so affectionately call a mistake.

But I don't see a mistake, I see nine months of buildup that finally peaked. I finally brought down your walls, and let mine crumble with them. We were finally exposed to each other, naked in body and mind, and I let you leave your mark. And I find that beautiful. It's something that doesn't happen often for me. I trusted that you would take care of me, that you wouldn't ever use this opening to hurt me.

I was wrong. whether you meant to or not, you've hurt me. I can't exactly blame you, because it's not your fault. It's not really anybody's fault but mine. I should have known what I was getting into. But regardless of what should have been, or what could have been, things happened the way they did. And now we're left to deal with our individual aftermath.

So please don't make this harder than it has to be. I just need to pull away. It's the only way, historically, that I've ever been able to deal with being hurt. And don't make things awkward, I can't handle it. You need your space just like I need mine. And if you don't push the issue, I'll likely come back around. But for now, just let me cry it out. I really don't want to have to erase you, too.

/r/AskReddit Thread