The thing is how can they not see how sad this is...

The whole alpha/beta thing "makes sense"... As much as their stupidity can.

But they are just turning it into a new MBTI circle jerk e.g horoscope for le stem wizards. And now this is horoscope/mbti for "enlightened redpillers".

Really, look at all those identical comments, it's just the same thing "OOOH I SEE I MUST BE SIGMA". All it is is people shopping for a predefined personality that could fit to anyone who wants it to be them (because each of them are redefining as they go along). Notice how there is no rank in the sub apart from the few ECs or authority. Everyone just says "Yes a sigma is this because I will it so, and yes I am a natural sigma AMA :']] (I'd like to thank my family and my cousin Urkek)"

. It sounds good to them so they choose it and label themselves. What is more hilarious is the infighting "WELL I AM A TRUE SIGMA". "If you were a true sigma you wouldn't say you are one more than once in a comment" LOOOOL. You're all doing the same thing!!!

It's SOO PATHETIC. They are just playing horoscopes now.

Aren't beta, gamma, omega according to their logic just different levels of the same trait. Why do they need to glam it up and add more? Because it is simple, this whole thing is a fantasy. It's not self improvement its that they are so broken they had to create an entire new world and redefine everything and twist all reality to suit the new world that they can handle better. They are the ultimate hamsters. None of them really change who they are but become more bitter and broken and far gone in their bitterness. They join the echo chamber and become more and more bitter and paranoid and self destructive.But they tell themselves "OOH I'm DARK TRIAD :']" or "YES I AM SIGMA". But they're just going through a fantasy. There are a lot of submissive spineless people on that sub that labelled themselves alpha while secretly knowing they don't live up to it simply because by default noone labels themselves beta. Now that the whole sigma thing has arrived, everyone is jumping on that band wagon. Because it's alpha without the 'leadership or the social presence' so what is that...? It's just self delusion. How can that many people just self identify as something immediately, what a sudden flip. It's just some introvert convinced that they are somehow special. It just reminds me of all the reddit IQ threads "I have an IQ of 190 but I achieved nothing because I didn't try".

Can noone else see how pathetic what I'm seeing is. The comments are IDENTICAL. Just people self identifying "yes I must have been Sigma all along". If that had never been invented, how much do yu want to bet they would have always have identified as alpha still. The sub is absolutely pathetic.

Seriously, I thought it was a joke when they went alpha, beta, gamma?? Lambda?? DELTA?? wtf?? Do these guys have no lives. They just sit there writing fan fiction about personality types then picking the one they want. The thing is, each other them is their own fan fiction writer. They all craft the "sigma" label so that appeals more to them so that they can label themselves as one to make themselves feel good. It's pathetic. I know the sub already warps reality and basically is fan fiction "Yes all the 30 year olds who rejected me will magically get ugly at this age and I will have over 9000 smv points.. btw I only go for 20 year olds :'], life is so god raging like wine!!".

I'm actually laughing my ass off. They talk about women "hamstring" but all the do is make up reality as they go along to suit them. They make up conpiracies, they make up stories, they see reality to suit their world view. (Everything is a shit test). I thought the sub was harmless but really it has gone insane.

I'm calling it right now. Within a year they will have created an entire MBTI 2.0 classification with all their greek letters so that each of them can choose their personal favourite fan fiction character to tell themselves they have so they can sleep better at night.

P.S Someone should create a new classification called Kappa, for the STEM Wizards who use their superior intellect to dominate women and get laid and are uncaring and detached and oh so cool. They're the 190 IQ child genius that always looks at the ground with his fringe covering his face and goes "Humph" while the women fawn over him but he doesn't care for them. They are definitely going to create more and more of these letters to create categories that people label themselves as to make themselves feel better. I cannot believe their lack of self awareness. This is too good. We should make bets on the new classifications they come out with. It is certain to happen. With certainty they will create more.

Remember this comment.

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