On 13th March 1996, Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 pupils and one teacher, and injured 15 others, before killing himself. The British were so upset that gun laws were changed making gun owenership significantly difficult. This was the last school shooting, ever, in the UK.

You clearly have not read the literal latest assault weapon ban proposed in the US senate in the past month.

I wish for one fucking moment you idiots would actually read the legislation being put forward. You just assume it says shit that it does not.

Senator Feinstein yearly proposes an assault weapon bill that would criminalize millions. This a real thing that happens fucking yearly that you guys literally fucking ignore to live in a fantasy land where you can say "nobody ever wants do that!".

New Mexico is right now trying to pass its own AWB that does not have a grandfather clause and would criminalize ownership of certain firearms overnight. It's happening right now.

Until you actually bother to learn what anti-gun politicians propose in the United States, then your opinion is fucking worthless.

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