You go on a first date with someone, what habit or characteristic is a deal breaker?

Copied from a different comment I made, for visibility. Horny scumbags read a book and, based on their level of reading comprehension, are either using a pickup tactic known as “negging,” or, are just insulting you.

“The Game” refers to a book written by a self-proclaimed pickup artist. Fascinating read, made me feel dirty all over. I couldn’t tell you if the techniques work or not, I’d feel scummy trying.

“Negging” is one of the steps in their pickup routine. It’s not supposed to be a blatant and obvious insult, that shows the dude who read the book is an idiot with no reading comprehension. More something “complementary” that will also spark self-consciousnesses. Something like “Oh, wow. I like your eyes, it’s cute how one is slightly bigger than the other,” or “Your hair is so great, it takes a lot of courage to try such an unusual style!”

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent