ON FRUITS/VEGGIES: I normally eat the rainbow to get varied nutrition, but I'm curious about a specific set of 6 fruits/vegetables that will fulfill all my micronutrient needs. Does such a set exist? THANKS!

I mostly fill a metal colander steamer with chopped up broccoli and cauliflower. I buy the big stalks , would be easier to toss in a few handfuls of already trimmed broccoli from say Costco in those bags. Then I steam for 2 mins covered and then add in sliced red bell peppers and cubed zucchini. I cover and steam for 6-7 more mins and immediately remove, place into a Tupperware container and refrigerate for future use.

When I reheat, I never use the microwave as that can deplete nutritional value. I typically will reheat in a pan on medium-low with a little salt / pepper / maybe garlic and butter. Or I mix into a meat dish or whatever I'm eating. Goes great with eggs in the morning.

It's up to you how much you want to cook in advance, you can make enough for a day or four days. I typically do 2/3 a mix of broccoli and cauliflower and the remainder 1/3 zucchini and red bell pepper. For reheating, I grab about a big handful of the mix, more or less depending on hunger.

As far as green cabbage, i make beef and cabbage. Garlic / coconut oil / ground beef in pan, brown, add cabbage, add parsley and cilantro, stir and let melt down a bit, add diced zucchini, turmeric powder / pepper / salt, cook on med-high heat until the cabbage is soft and to your desired stiffness. Toss half an avocado into a bowl and pour the beef and cabbage on top. Good stuff. I make enough for 4 large servings and store 3 immediately in the fridge. Re-heat that up in some bacon grease or butter, even better than when it was fresh.

Hopefully that gives you or others an idea. It was a slight hassle at first, but in the end, I eat healthier and with less effort by preparing these two things when I have the time.

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