One day when google is beaming gigabit bandwidth into our homes, facebook will be providing free internet to the globe, space X will be colonizing our solar system, and apple will still be spending millions to make fancier packaging.

See here is a classic example of where you take achievements and try and undervalue them for your argumentive benefit. None of those are monumental. None. Straight simply because we have already done it as a species. Now if you want to sit here and be anti-government and say "Well it's monumental because it's the first private company to do it!" That just means that it is purely impressive to you because it didn't have state help, which should really discredit your points anyway. You are basically saying that the moon landing wasn't impressive because NASA is connected to the government.

Before you get crazy, those bulletins are great checkpoints and definitely strong milestones. They are needed in the progress to go forward, and it's great to see companies making the strides. Also saying They only did it in 15 years, doesn't add to its impressiveness. Considering they work really close with NASA and we have information at our fingertips, it's really to be expected that things like this will take less and less time.

But don't undervalue the word monumental. Nothing SpaceX has done has blown away citizens, and that's a fact. It will, and in a few years we might see some great things. I'm just saying they haven't done anything that's been an oh shit we made it moment.

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