One Example of the Ridiculous Double Standards of Racism Between Caucasians and "People of Color"

There's no white history month, no only white scholarships, no "white entertainment television," no award shows that only give awards to white people, white people aren't allowed to say they are proud to be white, white people can't say 'nigga,' etc.

Holding slavery over the heads of white people is a sorry cop out. While whites weren't the first ones to practice slavery, they were the first ones to abolish it.

It was not Asians who effected this bold and unprecedented social change. It was not South Americans. It was not Africans. It was not American Indians. It was not Aborigines. It was Europeans, that cancer of human history, and they were just as white then as they are today. They gave the world change you can really believe in.

Many lament blacks' economic state in America, claiming it's part of slavery's legacy. But where would blacks be were it not for slavery? The answer is Africa, where people's economic state is far, far worse than that of American blacks.

In other words, there is no reason to agonize over an event — even an evil one — responsible for your presence in a country that has offered its citizens unprecedented rights and standard of living.

The point is that most people who arrived on American shores were driven here by some kind of persecution. Whatever the reason, however, thank God we're in the land of opportunity and not languishing in a slum in Asia, South America, Africa or Eastern Europe. So, it's ironic, but that some blacks were brought here in chains yesterday ensured that their descendants wouldn't have to wear chains today.

Then we have the matter of white achievement. The vast majority of what makes the lives of all races better today — modern science and medicine; our luxuries; Western art, literature, legal institutions; etc. — is the handiwork of whites. Oh, this is simply a matter of circumstance, of opportunity, of a twist of fate, you say? Perhaps. Again, this is not the time to discuss the ways and whys. Suffice it to say for now that if President Obama (PBUH) can frame matters in terms of race at his inauguration (and in his books and everywhere else, it seems), I can in an article. And if whites can be ridiculed for their transgressions, they can be recognized for their triumphs.

Yet, that increasingly-maligned dead white male Ben Franklin knew whereof he spoke when he said, "You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into." Prejudice is a function of emotion, not logic, and emotion is like darkness, in that it can be blinding. A person who sees only color — and through colored glasses — will have a powerful immunity to facts. Thus, I only expect caucaphobia to intensify.

(partially taken from :

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