One mote of light from faction reward packages are completely unacceptable.

It's unfortunate, but I think I'm going to have to unfollow this sub. For every positive, "check this out", or "this is why I love destiny" post, there are an increasing amount of: "blank is OP", "RNG is dumb", or any number of "grab yer pitchforks it's time fer a hangin'" nonsense.

I came late to Destiny after getting my Xbox One in December. Remember that first time you loaded up GTA, or Skyrim, or any of the arkham series for example and the game just took you for a ride that was fantastically unexpected? (Pepperidge farm remembers) That's exactly what Destiny has done for me, and exactly what I know has done for many others. There's far less appreciation for what this game is to the people that love it than what is heard in forums such as this and on YouTube from the more than vocal minority.

That being said, Destiny has flaws, and even those of us with nothing but admiration for the game acknowledge this fact, but I'll tell you the difference between me and "u/360noscopetitansmash". I trust Bungie. I truly do. Even through the recent follies that have soured from a PR perspective, and the fact that Lord Activision looms heavily around the bungie offices nowadays, I trust them. Let us not forget, these ladies and gents brought us Halo, HALO!

Now before the down voting commences, and this comment drifts into the abyss the even the most agile of bladedancers could not traverse, I will leave you with this. Try and set your disappointment aside and think about what Destiny is and could be going forth. If that thought makes you smirk or grin in the slightest, speak up and try and counter some of the negativity that swarms subs and forums such as this. This game really has been a great gaming experience for me, and I'd like to know I'm not the only one. And who knows, a little positive reinforcement has the chance to go a long way.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread