One step forward, two steps backwards.

Yes when my parents divorced. I was a kid. You can do all the healing you can but people who say you can magic it away don’t understand. Divorce is inherently wrong. It teaches children that the two people they come from are at war which makes the child at war with himself. It teaches the child the parents don’t love him enough to keep the family together. My extended family always rejected me. I became quiet and isolated. Still am. Even as an adult it does some damage like this. In cases of extreme abuse it’s important to separate but it’s very hard on the children no matter how much reddit likes to justify themselves by saying the kids will be happier. You’re an adult and have the maturity to understand more which helps. I’ve been through two parental divorces as a kid and an adult. It’s always hard.

I don’t think you can heal yourself but God can. And I have had issues with trust in relationships. I’ve been blessed to find someone who understands why I’m like that and won’t give up on me. He has married parents and is much more confident in love.

This is why they say about the generational sin. I think it’s naive to deny that. But it’s NOT A SIGN LF SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. The best thing you can do is find your own vocation. If it’s married life then choose a good marriage yourself.

/r/Catholicism Thread