To the one who has destroyed me:

honestly, you’re just making fun of people who echo this sentiment on here with your fifty million burner accounts that make a mockery of actual people who get followed harassed everywhere they go. You’re part of an organization that silences and parodies people who speak out about having their voices stolen for some rich fuck’s entertainment. What the fuck is wrong with you that you think making repeatedly posts mocking people for being aggrieved is a thing that’s okay to do? You speak in stolen words with stolen voices for fun, and then you blame the people you pick on for being lost.

You don’t give an iota of a fuck about the people who have to fight for a space to speak in their own words. You just care about being seen.

I hate you. I hate others like you who tune into the voices writing here and steal their voices to make fun of them. I hate that you play stupid, and pretend to be a victim when someone finally snaps and screams their pain to the world. Do you ever take the time to listen to what’s being said? Or are you rock hard, on the internet the second that sound bite hits your ear looking for a way to spin someone else’s words and apply it to you.

Your group thinks oversaturation will make it so people stop listening to the actual abused, and assume they’re just trolling. You rely on an burnt out social perception to keep stealing and picking on people, and crazy making for your own sense of fun.

I’m fucking tired of coming on here every single time someone calls me up in pain and seeing these throwaway mockeries speaking in their words. None of their pain belongs to you. It isn’t art. It isn’t yours. You don’t get to overshadow someone’s voice with your own bullshit and then sell it.

Evaluate your life choices.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread