OPEN Letter and Formal Challenge to Palmer Luckey

My uncle is Butch Wallace. Campaign manager to congressman Joe Wilson. My mentor was warren mosler at I have much to say about palmer lies but everyone always downvoted me. ]martinlandau 1 point 3 minutes ago No guidance? He lied about the promised open source hmd. Congress needs to investigate. What does he think about evil mind control? [–]martinlandau 0 points 46 minutes ago I already admitted I was vrinsider and palmer_luckey. I just argue with myself out if boredom. A game for reddit. What are my other 80 accounts. Let's see how good of hackers u really are. U will find no public comments by me when I was at IBM. I toed the party line to enrich the whole team. Palmer will not engage drax at voices of vr or char Davies of osmose on Facebook. he will not engage this. He will not engage the Scott Fisher vived nasa document on prior ideas He will not engage the vr union guys that have publicly said at reddit that iribes family member personally threatened them. He was unwilling to share reverence and credit with others that should have it. Alex howlett and tone of vrtifacts both commented on this failure to me years ago. Steve perlman of QuickTime said iribe was pure human garbage (paraphrased). Palmer vehemently defended lonsdale to me last year at a reddit thread on palantir saying Joe lonsdale was a good friend and nice guy and now joe has been kicked out of Stanford for raping that intern/student. And she has said he violently slapped and choked her during brutal sadomasochist sex which he does not deny after taking her catholic virginity. A book needs to be written about the rise and fall of Palmer's and iribes while the wounds are fresh. I bet there are so many other inside stories yet to be revealed. (Like bill O'Reilly making the news today) I want the movie rights! Hopefully it will be a vr 360 movie! Bwahahaha! Bless u kevin! U r a hero. (Where kevin and dad runs in like heroes to save humans unlike that sith palmer who should probably be put in jail for the evil he has done . Why would palmer or carmack or Abrash stay under a company that does evil mind control and ruin their public image? “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” Socrates Palmer u have a mom and dad. U have sisters. I do too. You said at modretro you were getting engaged. So there are nephews and nieces and your own kids to consider. What will they think of you little bb Rex when they hear you helped Facebook and sucker and evil mind control experiments. Your credibility is totally ruined. You disgust me and everyone else out here. You cannot defend this. Its evil. Your only hope for sister Leia and the rest of your family bb Rex is to lay waste to the sith lords around u and reject the dark side. Facebook and oculus are done. U can't save those. Osvr. Wearality. Google have destroyed those death stars. This is about u and your soul padawan. When the ship is sinking its the first annakins to turn on emporer palpatine that get respect. Kevin and I and the rest offer you the hand of love and friendship if u want it. Don't go down with zucker padawan. U were the chosen one. Come back to the lightside. Its not too late. Bring cybereality too. permalinksavecontextfull comments (249)editdisable inbox repliesdelete

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