Order 1886 - A better movie than a Video game.

I get this, but there are so many shitty films that games have a better story compared to. I think the mediums are more comparable in genres games thrive in such as action genres, sci fi and fantasy then people are willing to give credit for. For instance, I'm willing to bet days gone will be as good walking dead in terms of overarching plot (as walking dead has virtually none), and think last of us is better then I am legend, etc.

There are so many just absurdly dumb films, whereas triple AAA titles usually require something at least decent. The days of really stupid game stories for AAA titles is seemingly gone. The absence of story has a lot to do with it, but there is a lot of room with absence of story as well (I can't even remember the name of this post apocalyptic Netflix original I watched recently which ended up being essentially a boring romance film in a room for a couple hours).

And there is some overlap between game writing and film--i think jj Abram's was involved in call of duty, Ken Levine originally wrote film screenplays, etc.

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