[OT?] Social Justice in Tabletop Games.

Designer board games have a long history of wrestling with portrayals of minorities and colonialism. I think it's important to remember that one of the longest running arguments in board gaming is over the portrayal of slavery in the game Puerto Rico (the company tried to paper over it by describing the workers you bought to work your 17th century Caribbean Plantation as 'settlers' or something). In the past few years Archipelago and Five Tribes also became objects of controversy for this same subject. It's hard to ignore the fact that a large percentage of board games are thematically Euro-centric, with special focus on games setting the player as aristocrats in the Roman Empire and Age of Exploration/Colonialism, neither of which are models for moral or just behavior.

Regarding portrayals of women: in my experience board games come in three thematic families: kid/family-friendly, economic simulators and adventure. The first two really don't lend themselves towards misogyny, since you're either trying to appeal to a family demographic or trying to portray the excitement of commodities trading.

As for adventure games, which are generally more likely to have player characters portrayed in the game, with some publishers female player characters really are either a minority (often one for every two men) or an afterthought. In my mind the most notorious example of women being an afterthought was a trend in the past few years of Kickstarter games coming with all male characters and making female characters and/or versions a stretch goal or add-on. That being said, this isn't a universal and female characters are usually well-balanced in terms of playability with all other characters, because hobbyist board gamers tend to favor balanced mechanics over most other considerations.

I have noticed on rare occasion someone try to GG boardgamegeek.com (complaining about community standards of inclusion or using terms like SJW, etc), but they usually get ignored of shut down.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread