Ouch Mom...

I felt bad about it...once, but not this time. This time it was a half victory..and here's why.

I Stayed up all night drinking with my friend, his dad, and his dads boyfriend. His boyfriend was really creeping me out...kept trying to get me to sit next to them, saying things like..that he didn't bite...hard...creepy shit.

Eventually I got tired of it, and being a drunk 16/17 year old I was like, yeah, I really don't want too, but wcgw, right? Big mistake. So I sat a cushion over from them, relaxed, and kept pounding teh beers..until he started..until he started.....caressing my arm, and and rubbing my knee. I immediately questioned wtf he was doing and rapidly fucked off back to the recliner I was sitting in on the other side of this very large living room.

If you're hanging with friends, the distance seems weird, sure, but I swear that motherfucker was trying to molest my beautiful 16 year old ass and apparently thought that because I was pissed drunk that either I had zero inhibitions, or would black out and not remember anything.

To say I was extremely uncomfortable, especially being almost and hour and a half from home would be an understatement. About 3am, after everyone, including myself went to bed (I slept on a couch in the guest room, friend got the bed) I woke up, with my only pair of jeans I had brought because I didn't know we were spending the fucking night in that hell. My jeans were s.o.a.k.e.d. down to the legs. I was bow wearing all of that malt liquor I drank the night before so I took them off in the bathroom, still half drunk and threw them in the washer...fuck asking permission at 3am because damn it, my only clothing was soaked in dark yellow piss...and so was their nice expensive couch. I didn't feel bad at all because fuck his dad and his creepy ass boyfriend for hitting on and trying to take advantage of my innocent 16 year old body.

I was also still pretty drunk when I woke up in my piss jeans still having to pee so I did what any reasonable drunk would do and pissed everywhere in that bathroom but the toilet right in front off me.

TLDR - Pissed all over myself, friends dads couch, and everywhere but the toilet when I woke up wet at 3am from my drunk sleep after being touched and verbally molested by a 50 year old drunk gay man. I didn't feel bad about my urinary blunder at all. Fuck them people...I even left my mess for him to clean up.

/r/cringepics Thread Link - i.imgur.com