“It is our biology not our biography that counts in COVID ethics. Policy is blind to the length or quality of life.” War ethics are manifest amid the pandemic, with young people again in the firing line. We can’t overlook the importance of biographical, as well as biological, life.

For example, by being forced to work from home - thus losing the comfort of your own personal space and leaving the work life behind the door.

This can be particularly painful for people who actually cultivated their work-life balance – since now work is encroaching upon their personal lives in quite a number of ways – starting with the seemingly banal fact that you can't use your personal space like you want to use it, because your personal space has now become your office and you have to be aware that every time you turn your camera on, you let people you're meeting with to metaphorically be at your place. This leads us to privacy invasions, as well as the expectation that you are going to be professional and act professional while being at home, in front of your own, personal desk that you bought for yourself.

What is more, with all the working from home, your personal space is no longer yours. You are expected to have a working internet connection, you are expected to have everything up and running, you are expected to give up some of your personal space (and in some cases - personal hardware) in order to be able to work. And some companies gladly take advantage of the fact that people are working from home – for example by pressuring them to check work stuff after hours, since they are at home anyway, and it's just a quick e-mail.

/r/philosophy Thread Parent Link - iai.tv