Out of control pit bulls attack multiple people

1 - Owner is a fuckwad. Let's just start off there. He needs to be punished, and brutally. Didn't even use enough force to pull the fucking dog off of a man being brutally attacked, and definitely didn't do even close to what a decent human being should do when they see a person being attacked. God I hope that fucker pays.

2 - Owner is a fuckwad again, because now there is one more reason for people to fear pit bulls.

3 - Owner is a fuckwad yet again, because who in the everliving fuck teaches their dogs to attack/fight just for the hell of it? Isn't life hard enough with everything that gets slung at you left and right every single day? Why do we need to deliberately train animals to hurt each other or other humans, especially when we (in the case of the owner) are capable of doing it ourselves.

4 - Every god damn person on that street that witnessed this did the wrong thing. There were people who gave token gestures of "helping", but most people were just like a deer in headlights, and watched it all happen. If you were being bit by a dog, you can be damn sure that I'd dive my entire weight on that dog, arm around it's throat, and gouge it's fucking eyes out with my other hand. There is no way that an animal less than half my weight, owning no arms, and no human-like intelligence, is going to survive in a brutal attack against a fellow human. I mean seriously, spray it with water? Wrap that hose around it's neck - look it in the eyes as it breathes its last breath. I just don't understand how a whole conglomeration of people were so scared of these dogs that they let this happen. Fuck, I'd tackle one and shove my key in its ear before I'd let this happen to anyone, regardless of if the other one is biting me or not. You gotta remember, folks, we are the scariest animal on the planet. When the emergency comes, don't be like these folks. Be the person that saves your fellow human. Then go home and sleep well, knowing that you did the right thing, no matter the risk.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtu.be