Overnight job (12-8AM) in a dangerous neighborhood?

Not so much the neighborhood but the position you ate considering makes it a safety concern.

It seems as if you are pretty intent on taking the job so I will just offer the following suggestions based on the totality I have learned through study, experience, training and annecdotes.

Get there early, makes a good impression, and will be safer, say 11:30am.

Be polite but set boundaries and be distant with coworkers, no socializing, no social media. Many robberies of cash based businesses are inside jobs or have cooperation from employees.

Being in the facility is going to be low risk. The risk is getting there and leaving.

Politely refuse any requests to deliver anything 'Just this once.

Get paid yourself electronically or via paper check. Don't have your own cash on you.

Always Brown bag snacks and lunch. Never shop nearby. Never leave on your break.

Vary the way you get to and from work. Both the walking portion and the transit portion. Take a BUS to a different train stop now and then.

Keep your phone in your bag one you get halfway there or until you get halfway home. Have a newspaper, puzzle or paperback book.

Use your skills as a female. Alter your attire, make-up, accessories so you look different. Day to day and within the same day. Buy a reversible jacket, some scarves, sun glasses. Dress as you see other women there dress. But as I wrote, don't shop there.

Be friendly with everyone but make friends elsewhere.

Good luck.

/r/AskNYC Thread